Opponents of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi chanted slogans in the center of Zawiya, Libya, on Sunday. More Photos »
Published: February 27, 201
Tunisian Prime Minister Announces Resignation (February 27, 2011)
Israeli’s Spoof of Qaddafi Finds Fans in Arab World (February 28, 2011)
News Analysis: The Vacuum After Qaddafi (February 27, 2011)
French Foreign Minister Resigns Over Tunisia Vacation (February 27, 2011)
In Libya Capital, Long Bread Lines and Barricades (February 27, 2011)
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Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
Opponents of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Benghazi on Sunday. More Photos »
In a further sign of their strength, the rebels also talked about tapping revenue from the vast Libyan oil resources now under their control — estimated by some oil company officials to be about 80 percent of the country’s total. And in recognition of the insurrection’s growing power, Italy’s foreign minister suspended a nonaggression treaty with Libya on the ground that the Libyan state “no longer exists.” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the United States was reaching out to the rebels to “offer any kind of assistance.”
The most striking display of strength was seen here, 30 miles from Colonel Qaddafi’s Tripoli redoubt. Zawiyah is one of several cities near the capital controlled by rebels, who have repulsed repeated attempts by Colonel Qaddafi’s forces to retake them. And the arsenal they displayed helped to explain how the rebels held Zawiyah.
“Army, army, army!” excited residents shouted, pointing to a defected soldier standing watch at Zawiyah’s entrance as he raised his machine gun in the air and held up two fingers for victory.
A few yards away a captured anti-aircraft gun fired several deafening salutes into the air, and gleeful residents invited newcomers to clamber aboard one of several army tanks now in rebel hands. Residents said that when Colonel Qaddafi’s forces mounted a deadly assault to retake the city last Thursday — shell holes were visible in the central mosque and ammunition littered the central square — local army units switched sides to join the rebels, as about 2,000 police officers had done the week before.
And on Sunday, scores of residents armed with machine guns and rifles joined in a chant that has become the slogan of pro-democracy uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and across the Arab world: “The people want to bring down the regime!”
The opposition’s display came as a global effort to isolate Colonel Qaddafi and possibly force his resignation gained momentum over the weekend, with the United Nations Security Council moving to impose punitive financial sanctions and NATO allies discussing steps that included a possible no-fly zone over Libya.
But with their increasing firepower, the rebels appeared to break the pattern of nonviolent revolts set by neighboring Egypt and Tunisia and now sweeping the Middle East — just as Colonel Qaddafi has shown a willingness to shed far more of his citizens’ blood than any of the region’s other autocrats.
The maneuverings by both sides suggested they were girding for a confrontation that could influence the shape of other protest movements and the responses of other rulers who feel threatened by insurrections. Colonel Qaddafi’s militias, plainclothes police and other paramilitary forces have kept the deserted streets of Tripoli under a lockdown.
And residents of Zawiyah said Sunday that his forces were massing again on its outskirts. As a caravan of visiting journalists left Zawiyah, a crowd of hundreds of Qaddafi supporters waving green flags and holding Qaddafi posters blocked the highway for a rally against the rebels. “The people want Colonel Muammar!” some chanted.
In interviews with ABC News, two of Colonel Qaddafi’s sons appeared to mix defiance and denial. “The people — everybody wants more,” said Saadie el-Qaddafi, apparently dismissing the public outcry for a more accountable government. “There is no limit. You give this, then you get asked for that, you know?”
He described the uprisings around the region as “an earthquake” and predicted, “Chaos will be everywhere.” If his father left, he said, Libya would face a civil war “one hour later.”
His brother, Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, seemed to challenge journalists to look for signs of unrest. “Please, take your cameras tomorrow morning, even tonight,” he said. “Everything is calm. Everything is peaceful.”
But when government-paid drivers and minders took visiting journalists on an official tour to visit here Sunday morning, they found a town firmly in rebel hands, where Libyan officials and military units did not even attempt to enter. It was the second consecutive day that an official tour appeared to do more to discredit than bolster the government’s line, and questions arose about the true allegiance of the official tour minders, who appeared to mingle easily with people of rebel-held Zawiyah. Some suggested that the Qaddafi government might in fact have believed its own propaganda: that the journalists would discover in Zawiyah radical Islamists, or young people crazed by drugs procured by Osama bin Laden.
But the residents showed little interest in Islamist politics or hallucinogenic drugs. They mocked Colonel Qaddafi’s allegations, painted the tricolored pre-Qaddafi flag that has become the banner of the revolt on the side of a burned-out government building, and chanted, “Free, free, Libya.”
Several said that on Thursday morning the Qaddafi forces had blasted peaceful protesters gathered in the square with machine guns and artillery, pointing to holes in the sides of pillars and even a mosque. They showed journalists seven fresh graves dug in the square to bury those killed in the fight.Multimedia
Tunisian Prime Minister Announces Resignation (February 27, 2011)
Qaddafi YouTube Spoof by Israeli Gets Arab Fans (February 28, 2011)
News Analysis: The Vacuum After Qaddafi (February 27, 2011)
French Foreign Minister Resigns Over Tunisia Vacation (February 27, 2011)
In Libya Capital, Long Bread Lines and Barricades (February 27, 2011)
The Lands Autocracy Won’t Quit (February 27, 2011)
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But the battle had made them even more confident of their power, they said, because military units had joined their cause instead of fighting against them. Some said that in the fights against Italian occupation and other battles in Libya’s pre-Qaddafi history, their city of 300,000 had earned the nickname “the silent lion,” and was living up to it again. “When Qaddafi killed people, Zawiyah became like a volcano,” said Tariq Mohamed, a resident.
They said the city was now under the control of a committee of prominent citizens — doctors, lawyers, judges, engineers and the like — who were organizing its public services and continued defense. “We are really suffering for 42 years, and people are asking here for the same things as other people of the world — they want the real democracy,” said Ahmed el-Hadi Remeh, an engineer standing in the square.
In Benghazi, the eastern city where the revolt began, rebels said that Libyan soldiers had joined the rebels in securing vital oil industry facilities around that part of the country. Some oil industry workers fleeing across the Tunisian border in recent days said they had seen Libyan soldiers fire their weapons to drive off foreign mercenaries or other security forces that had approached oil facilities not far from here.Hassan Bulifa, who sits on the management committee of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company, the country’s largest oil producer, said that the rebels control at least 80 percent of the country’s oil assets, and that his company, based in Benghazi, was cooperating with them.
The company resumed oil shipments on Sunday, loading two tankers at a port in Tobruk, Mr. Bulifa said. The ships — one bound for Austria and the other for China represent the company’s first shipments since Feb. 10.
Although the revenue from those sales go the company’s umbrella organization, Libya’s National Oil Company, Mr. Bulifa said Arabian Gulf Oil Company had ceased any coordination with the national company, though it was honoring oil contracts. And he insisted the proceeds would ultimately flow to the rebels, not Colonel Qaddafi. “Qaddafi and his gangsters will not have a hand on them. We are not worried about the revenues,” he said.
Some in Washington, including Senator John McCain, the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, urged the Obama administration to consider military action and recognize a rebel government. But the rebels themselves seemed far from ready for international relations.
On Saturday, the country’s former justice minister, Mustafa Mohamed Abd al-Jalil, said in an interview on Al Jazeera that he would head a transitional government, with the aim of holding elections within three months. But on Sunday, another figure in the rebel movement, Abdel-Hafidh Ghoga, seemed to dismiss that claim, saying a national council had been formed to manage the “day to day living” of the “liberated” territories.
The Qaddafi government implicitly acknowledged for the first time on Sunday that it feared elements of its military falling into rebel hands, as Colonel Qaddafi’s son Seif said in the television interview that the Libyan government had bombed its own ammunition depots in the east.
And General Ahmed el-Gatrani, a former senior commander in the Libyan army who now leads the rebel forces, said his troops were awaiting a call for support from the capital. “Our brothers in Tripoli say: ‘We are fine so far, we do not need help.’ If they ask for help we are ready to move,” he told Reuters. Many rebels in the west, however, say they believe General Gatrani is trying to hide the true rebel plans. Mr. Ghoga, for his part, vowed Sunday that Tripoli and other Libyan cities would be liberated using “our national army.”