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Monday, April 25, 2011

Liam Fox warns Gaddafi, 'Give up now or we'll kill you' | Mail Online

Liam Fox warns Gaddafi, 'Give up now or we'll kill you'

By Tim Shipman and Andrew Malone
Last updated at 12:41 AM on 26th April 2011

Defence Secretary Liam Fox will meet senior U.S. commanders today to draw up a final plan to finish Colonel Gaddafi.

Before flying to Washington last night, Dr Fox warned the dictator and his commanders they face assassination unless they give up now.

He said: 'If the regime continues to wage war on its people, those who are involved in those command-and-control assets need to recognise that we regard them as legitimate targets.

Change of tone: British Defense Secretary Liam Fox is talking to his U.S. counterparts today about targeting Gaddafi directly
Increased danger: Liam Fiox is meeting his U.S. counterparts to discuss targeting Gaddafi directly Increased danger: Liam Fiox is meeting his U.S. counterparts to discuss targeting Gaddafi directly

Change of tone: British Defense Secretary Liam Fox is talking to his U.S. counterparts today about targeting Gaddafi directly, and Fox has warned the Libyan leader to give himself up before it is too late

'Those who are... controlling the regime's activities against its own people, would have to recognise the risks they would have if they were there during Nato strikes.'

He added: 'Colonel Gaddafi is the one who is standing in the way of a peaceful resolution in Libya.'

Today's summit will see Dr Fox and General Sir David Richards, the Chief of the Defence Staff, hold talks with Pentagon chiefs including U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff.

They will discuss dramatically widening the scope of targets that Nato aircraft and drones can hit, possibly to include regime leaders.

It comes after a Nato air strike flattened a building in Gaddafi's Tripoli compound in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Libyan officials claimed it was an attempt to kill their leader. British defence sources said they did not know if the dictator was present but made clear they are prepared to kill him to protect civilians.

Commanders believe Gaddafi has suffered significant military setbacks in recent days and want to 'exploit emerging opportunities' to finally force him from power.

Sources admitted that talks on 'greater precise targeting' by unmanned drones would be on the table today. Two American Predator drones, used to assassinate Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan, are now in the skies over Libya.

On target: People walk inside a damaged building at Gaddafi's compound after what a government press official said was an attempt on the Libyan leader's life

On target: People walk inside a damaged building at Gaddafi's compound after what a government press official said was an attempt on the Libyan leader's life

Damaged: One of the buildings inside Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziyah compound in Tripoli following a NATO airstrike - the picture was taken on a government guided tour for journalists

Damaged: One of the buildings inside Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziyah compound in Tripoli following a NATO airstrike - the picture was taken on a government guided tour for journalists

And last night Italy authorised its jets to bomb military targets in Libya. Previously Italian warplanes had only joined patrols of the no-fly zone.

British commanders will urge the Americans to assist in attacks on Gaddafi's fuel dumps and ammunition depots to remove the threat of his tanks to opposition forces.

Targeted air strikes have been successful in undermining the regime's attacks on the town of Misrata.

'I'm cautiously optimistic about what has happened in recent days,' Dr Fox said.

'We have also had some success in targeting the regime's assets, cutting off the supply lines on a number of fronts. They are running out of ammunition. They are running out of fuel.'

The UK also wants more effort to help the naval blockade of Libya, which has prevented refined petroleum products getting into Gaddafi's hands to fuel his war effort.

Targeting hospitals? Fires are seen burning around what is said to be hospital buildings in an area purported to be in Misrata in an image taken from an unverified rebel video

Targeting hospitals? Fires are seen burning around what is said to be hospital buildings in an area purported to be in Misrata in an image taken from an unverified rebel video

Human cost: Mourners attend the funeral of a group of family members killed by shelling in Misrata

Human cost: Mourners attend the funeral of a group of family members killed by shelling in Misrata

In Misrata yesterday there was more evidence of the regime's fighters using human shields to protect themselves.

A group of women and children walked slowly through the bombed-out city – which is in ruins after seven weeks of intense shelling and street fighting – their faces etched with terror.

The 25 civilians were acting as human shields to Gaddafi's men walking behind them, who were taunting rebels on the other side of the street.

'Gaddafi's men were mocking us and laughing as they disappeared with our women and children,' said Absa Salam, a fighter and one of the leaders of the revolution against the Libyan dictator's 42-year rule.

'There was nothing we could do. We knew, and they knew, that we'd kill our own people if we tried to kill them. These people are barbarians – devils.'

There was also grim proof that Gaddafi had lied about withdrawing his forces from Misrata at the city's sole remaining hospital – the others have been shelled by his tanks and occupied by snipers.

Among the dozens of civilian dead and injured arriving in convoys of ambulances were Abdal Mufta Bel-Noor, eight, and Nadia, his five-year-old sister.

The children were killed after a night of heavy artillery and rocket strikes in civilian areas – 48 hours after Gaddafi announced his withdrawal.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Online poker sites seized by FBI - Digital Life

The United States government has shut down four major online poker sites amidst charges of money laundering and illegal gambling.

Visitors to Poker Stars, FullTilt Poker, Absolute Poker and are met with a message saying the domain has been seized by the FBI.

Eleven people were arrested in the crackdown, including the founders of the three largest sites open to US players, according to this story in the LA Times.

Many poker players have money in online accounts, but there is no information on the blocked sites to help them out.

Meanwhile, is capitalizing on the shutdown, issuing a press release pointing out that it's an opportunity for Canadian sites.

"While these sudden shutdowns of such popular online poker rooms may initially come as a blow to Canadian players who were comfortable playing on U.S.-facing sites, now is the time to expand our horizons and see what else the world has to offer," read the release, which lists online poker sites and casinos for Canadians.

On its web site, said that three of the 11 defendants in the US crackdown are Canadians although it noted the three are not in the US and have not been arrested.

Monday, April 11, 2011

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Toxic caesium found in fish off Japan - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Toxic caesium found in fish off Japan - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

By North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy,

Traces of radioactive caesium have been found for the first time in fish off Japan's east coast.

It is believed the contamination came from overheated fuel rods at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

The operator of the plant, meanwhile, says it has detected radioactive iodine at 7.5 million times above the legal limit in seawater near the facility.

Radioactive caesium has a half life of 30 years, making it extremely toxic.

Authorities say the substance has been found in a species of fish called young lance, a tiny fish which is eaten dried or cooked.

The contaminated catch was found in Ibaraki prefecture about 80 kilometres south of the Fukushima plant.

While the government is still allowing catches of young lance, fishing cooperatives near the affected area have banned their members from harvesting the fish.

TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima plant, is continuing to dump lower-level contaminated water into the sea to make room for the storage of more highly contaminated water currently filling the No. 2 reactor's turbine building and nearby areas.

The company says it will have to discharge a total of 11,500 tonnes of low-level contaminated water from the plant into the sea by the weekend.

The government maintains contamination of the sea caused by the disposal of the water will not pose a major risk to health, while apologising for raising concern among the public, especially fishermen.

The highly radioactive water has been filling up the basement of the No. 2 reactor turbine building and the trench connected to it.

The water, believed to have come from the No. 2 reactor core, where fuel rods have partially melted, ended up in the pit.

Removal of contaminated water at the plant is necessary to reduce the risk of workers being exposed to radioactive substances and to facilitate efforts to restore vital functions to cool the reactors and spent nuclear fuel pools at the complex, crippled since the devastating March 11 quake and tsunami.